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Intuitive eating: ditch the diet & reconnect with your body

March 18, 2024 - 22 min read


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What is intuitive eating?

10 fundamentals to eat intuitively

5 benefits of intuitive eating

Misconceptions and myths around intuitive eating

Getting started with intuitive eating

Is intuitive eating backed by science?

Deciding if intuitive eating is right for you?

Intuitive eating is a food management approach that helps you focus on your body’s natural cues and comfort level. By using intuitive methods, you can personalize how much and what types of foods work best for you. This type of eating also helps reveal the best times to nourish your body’s individual needs. 

Although intuitive eating (IE) gets oversimplified as “eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full,” there’s more nuance. IE uses intuition practices to reset your physical and emotional relationship with eating. IE is a way to honor your body, recognize its needs, and find peace with one of the most important daily bodily activities.

What is intuitive eating?

You were born an intuitive eater. As an infant, you didn’t worry about macro and micronutrients. You ate when hungry, then stopped (and generally fell asleep) when full. 

You were unaware of hunger as a concept or any supposed morality of food until much later in development. You weren’t concerned with how you presented yourself or people’s opinions about your eating habits and weight.

Intuitive eating embraces this simple, straightforward mindset. It prioritizes internal cues over external food rules, opinions, and judgments. 

With intuitive eating, the goal isn’t to move the numbers on the scale but to change your relationship with food and your body. 

10 fundamentals to eat intuitively

The desire to throw away mainstream dieting concepts isn’t new. Thelma Wayler, founder of the popular non-diet movement program Green Mountain at Fox Run, first scorned diet culture as early as 1973. 

In 1995, registered dietician Evelyn Tribole and nutritional therapist Elyse Resch released Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Anti-Diet Approach. The book, now in its 4th edition, outlines the experts’ 10 principles of intuitive eating. The pair developed the book to help beginners tune into their bodies and relationships with food to enjoy IE’s health and wellness benefits.

Tribole and Resch suggest those practicing IE follow these methods:

1. Reject the diet mentality

No one knows how to feed and nourish your body better than you do. End of story. You don’t need expensive meal plans or fad diets to tell you when to eat, how much to eat, and what to eat. Your body will guide your well-being if you listen to it.

2. Honor your hunger

Pushing yourself to excessive hunger won’t help you conquer it. The more self-control you exert sticking to your diet plan, the more glucose you burn, and the hungrier you’re likely to get. 


Restricting calories too much may even make you more prone to overeating. According to a meta-analysis published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, there are “correlations between dietary restraint and overeating.” In a 2020 study of 478 college men and women, researchers affirmed that dietary restraint is linked to emotional eating.

3. Make peace with food

Food is not your enemy, even when the food is calorically dense, high in sugar, or full of carbs. Strong positive and negative associations with "off-limits" food can cause feelings of deprivation. The associated stress releases cortisol, which makes it more difficult to control cravings and maintain a healthy weight. 

Excess cortisol can even lead to issues like:

  • Fatty deposits
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Muscle weakness
  • Bone density loss

Intuitive eating addresses cortisol buildup through more balanced and internally led food choices.

4. Challenge the Food Police

Food is morally neutral. No matter how guilty it makes you feel, eating a pint of ice cream in one sitting is not a crime. And there have never been Nobel Prizes awarded for counting macros. Skipping "bad" foods may even prompt disordered eating, orthorexia, or nutritional deficits. Intuitive eating takes the good or bad conversation out of food.

5. Discover the satisfaction factor

You may eat breakfast on the go, have lunch at your desk, or eat dinner in front of your television. But eating while distracted means potentially missing internal cues. 

A delicious meal is a pleasure unto itself. Connecting with the simple satisfaction of eating can help you make sustainable choices.

6. Feel your fullness

Do you know what feeling comfortably full feels like? Next time you’re eating a meal, practice "mindful eating." Take periodic pauses and ask yourself, “How do I feel? Am I still hungry? Am I ready to stop eating?” 

Instead of eating until you clean your plate, an intuitive approach helps you recognize hunger and satiety cues. It can help distinguish actual hunger from emotional eating. Intuitive eating promotes a non-emotional food mindset.

7. Cope with your emotions with kindness

Our emotional eating habits can mask, reflect, or medicate deeper issues. Emotional eating can also compound painful underlying feelings. As thoughts and emotions arise, handle them with kindness and self-awareness.

8. Respect your body

Every person has a zone of optimal health. There’s no need to try to fit a certain BMI or a specific idea of wellness. You can be healthy at any size, so find what’s right for you. Following healthy eating tips around an intuitive approach lets you meet your body where you are.

9. Movement — feel the difference


The same self-judgments that pervade our relationship with food often translate to exercise and mental health. Instead of looking at fitness as something you “should” do, look for modes of movement you enjoy. What kind of exercise makes you feel good? 

Look for ways to make exercise an enjoyable experience rather than a pain to endure. See exercise for its benefits and as an opportunity to improve. This mindset shift helps reframe your relationship with using and fueling your body.

10. Honor your health with gentle nutrition

Believe it or not, there are probably some healthy foods you like. Choose foods that make you feel good and that you enjoy. That may or may not include cake, and it’s okay if it does.

The key to intuitive eating is recognizing if you’re using food as an emotional crutch. Separating the two allows you to enjoy indulgences rather than using them to handle life’s challenges. 

5 benefits of intuitive eating

If you want to lose weight, improve your nutrition, or tone up, why wouldn’t you go with a traditional diet plan? For every fad diet, there are millions of devotees and testimonials. Some of them have some pretty sound science behind them. 

Intuitive eating has some compelling benefits. No matter where you are on your nutrition journey, here are five reasons to try it:

  1. Intuitive eating removes judgments around food. Once you begin eating for well-being and self-care, you can give up the “good” and “bad” labels.
  2. It makes it easier to connect to your internal cues. Over time, intuitive eating makes you more in tune with being hungry and full. You'll learn what your cravings are trying to tell you.
  3. Tuning into your hunger and satiety cues helps you develop body awareness and become more self-compassionate. It can improve self-esteem as you gain confidence in making decisions for your body. For instance, IE can help you recognize foods that don’t work for your gut and cause water retention. This can help you choose gentler foods, see health results, and take a kinder view of your body and health.  
  4. Choosing food according to your internal wisdom will help you develop mastery over cravings. That confidence can help you step outside your routine choices. 
  5. It helps you pinpoint food sensitivities. Nutritionist Lyn-Genet Recitas says many “healthy” foods trigger weight gain or inflammation. That’s because there is no “set” list of always-healthy foods, just what’s healthy for you. Paying attention to what you crave and how you feel when you eat may help you identify foods you are sensitive to.

Misconceptions and myths around intuitive eating 

Researching intuitive eating may bring up some common myths or misconceptions. When evaluating intuitive eating practices, be aware of some common myths.

Intuitive eating means that you should eat whatever you want

Mindful eating isn’t about eating whatever you want. It’s about eating whatever your body needs. Separating emotional eating from needs-based cravings is a key benefit of IE.

A common concern is that you’ll go off the deep end, eating pizza with a side of lasagna and whipped cream. In reality, “forbidden” foods are only desirable because you tell yourself you can’t have them. Once you give yourself unconditional permission to eat what you want, you may find that you’re not all that into it.

Intuitive eating is meant for losing weight

Weight loss is not a goal of intuitive eating. The aim is to nurture a healthy, balanced relationship with food and your body. For some people, that might mean losing weight. For others, it might mean gaining weight or changing body composition. The number on the scale matters less than how you feel and whether you’re satisfied with what, how, and when you eat.

Intuitive eating is mostly for people with disordered eating

Our emotional experiences and mental health struggles sometimes erode our internal cues. Those who experience disordered eating due to emotional pain or dysmorphia may binge or restrict based on external “rules” about food. They may cut out whole food groups considered “bad.” 

Intuitive eating is part of the road away from restrictive diets or orthorexia, but it’s not just for people with disordered eating. IE is for anyone who wants to regain their internal cues and honor their body. It’s valuable for understanding and repairing your relationship with food. 

Intuitive eating is anti-nutrition 

Some sources push certain foods to stay healthy. Intuitive eating might seem to throw that all out the window. But what if you have medical concerns that need a specific eating plan?

Contrary to popular belief, intuitive eating doesn’t cancel your need to consider food restrictions. You’re still responsible for what you choose to eat. 

Intuitive eating is more than eating whatever food pops into your mind. It’s a mindful approach to nutrition. It prompts you to consider what you eat, why, and how you feel afterward. 

With intuitive eating, you can begin to regulate your eating behaviors and food choices based on how they make you feel. The goal isn’t to lose weight but to drop the baggage around self-criticism

Getting started with intuitive eating


If you’re ready to try intuitive eating, use these tips to make the transition to mindful eating easier:

Practice mindful eating exercises

Practicing mindful eating exercises is a foundational step in embracing intuitive eating. This involves slowing down and paying attention to the act of eating. Focus on each bite and notice your food's flavors, textures, and sensations. 

  • Eliminate distractions at meal times. Turn off the TV, put away your phone, and ensure you're seated comfortably at a table. Take small bites and appreciate the nuances of each mouthful.
  • Engage all your senses during a meal. Observe the colors and shapes on your plate and smell the aromas before you begin eating. This practice helps you recognize hunger cues and satiety signals. It prevents overeating driven by mindlessness rather than actual hunger.
  • Reflect on your emotional state before, during, and after meals. Ask yourself if you're eating out of physical hunger or if emotions are guiding your food choices. Attuning to these internal signals encourages choices aligned with your body's needs.

Mindful eating exercises aren't about restriction or labeling foods as "good" or "bad." Instead, they aim to foster a healthier relationship with food. 

Practicing mindful eating means every meal is an opportunity for nourishment and self-discovery. Embracing this approach can lead to greater satisfaction from eating. It can foster a deeper connection with your body's natural wisdom.

Challenge negative self-talk

Challenging negative self-talk is a pivotal aspect of adopting intuitive eating habits. It means identifying and confronting the self-criticisms that dictate one's worth. It's about recognizing that these automatic negative thoughts are not facts. Often, they're ingrained patterns that sabotage your eating behaviors and well-being.

To begin this process, it's essential to observe your thoughts. You must notice when you're being harsh or judgmental towards yourself. Instead of engaging with these negative narratives, question their validity. Counter them with more compassionate, realistic statements. 

For instance, replace thoughts like "I shouldn't have eaten that" with "It’s okay to enjoy food." This shift alleviates guilt and shame around eating. It also fosters a kinder relationship with yourself. By challenging negative self-talk, you can dismantle harmful beliefs and foster body acceptance.

Consume anti-diet resources

Diet culture is everywhere. It’s so common that you may not even notice the ads for “miracle” weight loss drugs and Instagram influencers touting extreme food and exercise regimens. But whether you notice diet culture or not, overt fat-shaming and body criticism are common in the media. You may unconsciously absorb messages with a huge potential to damage your self-image and food relationships.

Therefore, consuming anti-diet resources is critical in cultivating an intuitive eating practice. Seek materials that encourage a positive relationship with food outside of diet culture, such as:

  • Books
  • Podcasts
  • Blogs
  • Social media accounts

Look for resources from certified nutritionists, psychologists, and experienced intuitive eaters. These resources often share stories, scientific research, and practical guidance. Engage with anti-diet content to reinforce healthy food mindsets. Learn that nourishment goes beyond physical health to include emotional and psychological well-being.

Adding these perspectives to daily life distances you from diet-centric thinking. It can help you to find "food freedom" and peace of mind.

Build your support system


Find resources for emotional backing and practical advice to navigate this path. Surround yourself with those who support your desire to reject diet culture. This can enhance your resilience against pressures to conform to unrealistic standards.

Your network could include friends who practice intuitive eating. Family members willing to learn about and respect your approach are also helpful. Finally, online communities offer a way to share experiences and strategies.

Beyond informal support, consider a professional coach specialized in nutrition or healthy lifestyles. A coach offers a wealth of knowledge and experience about nutrition and mental health. They can give personalized feedback and strategies to support your journey. 

Coaches are educators and accountability partners. They help you stay committed to your goals while navigating challenges that arise. A coach can offer insights into how to respond to triggers. They can help you explore internal and external cues about hunger and fullness. The accountability support of a coach makes intuitive eating less daunting.

Is intuitive eating backed by science?

Yes, intuitive eating has scientific research to back it. Many peer-reviewed studies show IE has positive impacts on physical and mental health. These include improvements in self-esteem, body image, health markers, and well-being, supporting intuitive eating as a sustainable approach to nutrition.

  • Studies of intuitive eating related to self-image show that it results in lower levels of body concern. It improves symptoms of disordered eating like depression and unhealthy weight control behaviors.
  • A 2014 study showed a correlation between intuitive eating and lower weight status
  • A 2013 review of previous literature showed many potential benefits of intuitive eating. It is positively associated with various psychological health indicators. There is a possible positive association between improved dietary intake and eating behaviors.

Deciding if intuitive eating is right for you?

Both the anecdotal and peer-reviewed evidence on intuitive eating make it worth exploring. Intuitive eating offers a gentle approach that doesn't need extra tools, calculations, or routines. 

Just because intuitive eating is easy doesn't mean you should do it alone. For many, tackling diet and health with help from a professional like a nutrition or lifestyle and wellness coach can boost results.

Want to explore intuitive eating with the help of a diet or wellness coach? Find your perfect coaching match with BetterUp

Published March 18, 2024

Allaya Cooks-Campbell

With over 15 years of content experience, Allaya Cooks Campbell has written for outlets such as ScaryMommy, HRzone, and HuffPost. She holds a B.A. in Psychology and is a certified yoga instructor as well as a certified Integrative Wellness & Life Coach. Allaya is passionate about whole-person wellness, yoga, and mental health.

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